
12 months of hotness


hunky gift

male diva

chico de portada

let's get physical!

truly lovable

humor rasteiro

the court is in session

size matters

hit woman

adult-ish version


boss ladies

charity single

when angels lip-sync

busting some moves

totally bananas

not that kinda girl

beautifully simple

bad romance

a sure victory

striving singer

now we're talking!

been there, done that

performing artist

joint effort

todo um estrangeirismo

promotional mode


military man

prancing around

a sound move

human nature

shower show

a song of her own

pushing the envelope

lack of originality

taffy paul

good credentials

music box

the exhibitionist

friendly competition


inspired by madonna

raging mad

danish duo

sexy beasts

right answer

careful what you wish for

working the camera

a good dose of sarcasm

row, row, row the boat


sweet voice

guy magnet

the man from oz

miami swagger

trying too hard

dapper young man

oh. my. god!

zero tolerance

heartland rocker

typical p!nk

pronto per amare

provocative approach

little sister

made in ireland

tall drink of water

dirty dancing

no happy ending

britney who?

religious experience

young blood, old sound

television vixen

tag team

simply scrum-ptious